Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry



CURRENT STUDENTS - Grow your skills

Once you have connected to a project and found your mentor(s), the Office of Undergraduate Research and Artistry continues to support you by providing training and resources.

Attend our Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training

This training is designed to satisfy federal agency requirements for face-to-face training in responsible conduct of research. Training will cover preliminary questions and ethics undergraduate students should be asking their research mentors/primary investigators (PIs). Training covers the following topics such as: research misconduct, how to work with a mentor, how to keep a research lab notebook, etc.  Check out our workshop schedule for dates.

Attend OURA Workshops

These workshops enhance information that students are getting from their research experience. Examples of workshops include faculty research presentations, distinguished speakers, and related trainings on how to present research at a poster presentation. Check out our workshop schedule for topics and dates.

Students in the IDEA 210 Intro to Design Thinking class working individually and in groups to finalize projects

Engage with the Richardson Design Center (RDC)

The Nancy Richardson Design Center is CSU’s only interdisciplinary makerspace focused on Design Thinking.  The RDC hosts classes; students can earn an undergraduate certificate in design thinking. The RDC also offers non-course access to their fabrication labs.  The RDC is for students who want to be more creative in their thinking as well as the way they solve everyday or socially significant problems. The RDC is ideal for people looking for new ways to understand, create, partner, and grow.

Join the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)

CSU has an enhanced membership to the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), an international organization that strengthens undergraduate research in STEM and non-STEM disciplines. You can join CUR with a free student-level membership (activate your enhanced benefits here), and then you can access free webinars, online professional development, and other resources.