Office for Undergraduate Research and Artistry



The Office of Undergraduate Research and Artistry’s (OURA) promotes and expands experiential learning for undergraduate students through research, artistic, and other creative experiences with skilled mentors. OURA’s vision is to provide opportunities for all undergraduate students to discover, realize, and act on their interests and passions, whatever their disciplines. OURA coordinates efforts across campus and provides support for disciplinary programs, mentors and undergraduate students. We promote and highlight student creative activities and work to centralize the tracking and assessment of research and artistic engagement across campus for the benefit of students and faculty.

Undergraduate Research and Artistry are highly impactful to students, but it is not free.  Your generous contribution would go directly to student support.

What your donation can do?:

  • $1000 would pay a student in a research group for a semester (many research opportunities are unpaid, but this is a barrier to students with limited incomes).
  • $500 would support a student in the TILT OURA Lab during a 6-week experience).
  • $110 would allow OURA to support a student via a semester Access Membership to the Richardson Design Center’s fabrication labs.
  • $50 would pay for an OURA Lab student’s lab supplies for 1-2 weeks.
  • $25 would cover the cost to print a student’s poster for a research conference like CURC.
Read more about OURA here

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